Chief John D Coyle imageDear Colleagues:
It is our pleasure to announce that the application period for the John D. Coyle Scholarship for
the Fall, 2024 Command Training Series: Executive Development Course (October 1-3, 2024 and November 5-7, 2024 with the online portion beginning on September 23, 2024) has

The purpose of the scholarship has been to provide registration fee funding for recipients, whose Chief of Police is an Active Member of the Association, to attend the annual Command Training Series: Executive Development Course at Roger Williams University.

The New England Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. (NEACOP) remains committed to the professional development of police leaders throughout the region. That commitment has been continually enhanced by the long partnership with Roger Williams University (RWU) and its Justice System Training & Research Institute.

As a result of the NEACOP – RWU partnership over 200 participants have completed the Executive Development Course at the University. Of that number, beginning with the scholarship’s inaugural recipients in 2014, eighteen police officers from throughout New England have been beneficiaries of the awards and continue to advance their departments.

We encourage you to nominate a well-deserving policing leader from your agency. Attached please find application information.

Visit our Scholarship page for more information.