SAVE THE DATE: 2022 NEACOP Annual Training Conference
October 30th-November 2nd
Manchester, VT

THANK YOU for attending our IN-person
2021 NEACOP Annual Training Conference!

NEACOP Annual Training Conference was a HUGE Success!
Thank You for Attending Our 2021 NEACOP Annual Training Conference! Check out the highlights below!
Our training lineup included digital forensics investigation, leading through crisis, health & wellness, forensic case studies and more!
It was a great success for all who attended and for our organization and agencies across all six New England states.
Stay Tuned! We are already planning another successful in-person event for the 2022 Annual NEACOP Training Conference!
What’s New for our 2021 Conference? EVERYTHING…
NEACOP has completely redesigned our training conference from the ground up to reinvent ourselves and what we offer to our law enforcement agencies and partners. We have secured some of the best training available and are working with vendors to create a robust, IN-PERSON EVENT for Chiefs, Officers and staff to come together to learn, collaborate and have the comaraderie and support of our law enforcement family.

Digital Investigations: Detective Sergeant Kevin Connolly
From the crime scene to the court room, what you NEED to know.
Day 1 Officer Training: presents a 6 hour Officer course designed to give departments the tools necessary to handle the most common pieces of evidence involved in crimes today, Digital Evidence.
Day 2 Chief Training: discussion focuses on ways to implement digital investigation into your agency and a luncheon for all with a focus on case studies and success stories.

Two Full Days of
IN-PERSON Classes & Discussions
Whether you are joining us as a chief or bringing in officers for the latest training topics, our 2021 NEACOP Conference is packed with opportunites to learn together and collaborate across agencies, vendors and expertise to bring a phenomenal IN-PERSON event to our New England agencies, partners and beyond.
Day 2 includes a Hosted Luncheon for ALL attendees and a presentation by Detective Sergeant Kevin Connolly.

Leadership & Admin: Roger Williams University
Leading from crisis to excellence; substance use disorder approaches.
Day 1 Chief Training: begins with a morning block of Risk Management training followed by a second AM block focused on leading your agency through crisis to excellence.
Day 2 Officer Training: presents a morning block dedicated police response to substance use disorder. Afternoon brings Officer Health & Wellness to the forefront with The Box discussion.
Fill out our Registration Form and join us for our NEACOP Annual Training Conference. Join us for BOTH days or bring a fellow department officer and save big on registration. Sign up before September 10th and save even more!
**WANT MORE TRAINING FOR MORE STAFF? See Below for our VIRTUAL TRAINING DISCOUNT OPTIONS for Departments Sending Two or More Officers IN-PERSON.**
Chiefs Training
Whether you are coming for the whole conference, one day or one training block,we have structured the courses and times to maximize learning and your time with us.
Day 1: Morning Block 1- Risk Management for Leaders
Lt. (ret) Rick Bates
This module illustrates the importance of risk management to maintain accountability, integrity and community trust. The instructor will outline the benefits of conducting risk management to improve organizational effectiveness and reduce liability and potential lawsuits. This model of proactive leadership focuses on prevention and pre-incident intervention as opposed to traditional approaches such as post-incident complaint and internal investigations.
Day 1: Morning Block 2 - Leading Your Agency from Crisis to Excellence
Dr. Steve Morreale, DEA (ret.)
American law enforcement has been under fire for the past several years. Agencies have been painted with a broad brush. As leaders from rural, small to medium sized agencies, police executives should consider opportunities for improving the optics and practices of police services. The session will allow for open discussion of prescriptives to continue to improve service delivery.
Day 1: Afternoon Block 1 - Police Reform and Defunding Issues
Chief (ret) John Moore
This talk will analyze the general principles of police reform and the defunding argument that had been developing in the past 10 years and were accelerated by the events and environment of 2020. Specifically, the subject matters of police reform to include Peace Officer Standards and Training, Use of Force, Civil Rights, Bias-free Policing, Internal Affairs, Public Records, Responsible Use of Technology, Operational Issues (School Resource Officers and No-Knock Warrants, etc.), and the possible future supplementation of police reform through special commissions and study committees will all be addressed. Also, the defunding narrative will be examined regarding how, if at all, it is consistent with police reform. Lastly, a comparative assessment of the police reform legislation in all the New England States will be delivered to predict and prepare for potential changes in the future
- 7 AM Breakfasts & Registration
- Vendor Tables & Demos
- Speaker Presentations
- Packed Content Courses
- Hosted Lunch Discussion
- State Caucus Meeting
- Annual NEACOP Meeting
- Reception & Social Hours
- Online course option available but IN-PERSON attendance encouraged!
- Before September 10th – $130 per day
- After Sept 10th – $150 per day
- Already sending officers but want more training? Departments with two or more attendees can register additional attendees for VIRTUAL ONLY training at $75 per day!
Officer Training
Whether you are coming for the whole conference, one day or one training block,we have structured the courses and times to maximize learning and your time with us.
Day 1: All Day Block- Digital Investigations from A-Z
Detective Sergeant Kevin Connolly, Barnstable Police Department, Digital Forensics & Investigation Unit
Celllphones, Cell Towers & Social Media: From the crime scene to the courtroom, what you need to know.
This course is designed to give officers the tools necessary to handle the most common pieces of evidence involved in crimes today, Digital Evidence. Students will received the latest legal updates on cases involving digital evidence. Students will learn how to identify physical devices as well as cloud source data that can be utilized to help solve crimes. The class will walk through identifying evidence, seizing evidence, open source investigative tools, and search warrant preparation; all leading up to court room presentation. There will be a full case study as students navigate through this course so they can see how digital evidence can be used in every step of an investigation.
Day 2: Morning Block: Police Response to Substance Use Disorder
Dr. Sean Varano and Professor Pam Kelley
The opioids crisis is one of the most pressing public safety and health concerns to hit the United States in recent decades. In many communities across New England, police have been at the forefront of implementing innovative, treatment-first strategies intended to reduce the prevalence of overdoses and facilitating getting those with substance use disorder access to treatment. The presenters will discuss their efforts to support police-led post overdose outreach programs across Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Particular attention will be given to the role of “data” to the success of these efforts. The session theme “Data Matters,” will cover the connections between problems, data, theory, and actionable public policy in addressing the current opioids crisis.
Day 2: Afternoon Block: The Box-Officer Health and Wellness
Chief (ret.) Doug Wyman & Chief (ret.) John Monaghan
This course is designed to challenge the ways in which law enforcement has typically viewed mental health and well-being. The course begins with a short film made by The Nantucket Project. Using this visual prompt the class starts with some self-reflection on the film’s meaning before moving into statistical information on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.
Countdown to Our IN-PERSON 2021 NEACOP Annual Training Conference
Featured Talks & Speakers
We have secured industry expertise speakers for our class offerings and conference discussion opportunities. We look forward to learning from them and bringing these training opportunites to our Law Enforcement agencies.

Kevin Connolly Detective Sergeant
Detective Sergeant, Barnstable Police Department
Federally deputized by the United States Marshalls as a United States Secret Service Task Force Officer assigned to the USSS New England Cyber Fraud Task Force. Digital Forensics & Investigation Unit

Dr. Benjamin Stone
Dr. Benjamin Stone attended Exeter College of Oxford University through the United States Air Force Institute of Technology. He completed his PhD and related coursework for his medical doctorate and also coordinated research at the British Olympic Medical Institute, Oxford Nutraceuticals Group, and Cambridge University. Dr. Stone served as Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology at the University of Central Arkansas, Sr. Tutor at Oxford University, and designed curriculums for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

Pamela Kelley
Executive Director of Kelley Research Associates, a private evaluation and research firm specializing in criminal justice and community service evaluation and research projects for local, state, and federal governmental agencies.
Associate Professor of Criminology at Stonehill College

Sean Varano, Ph.D.
Sean Varano, Ph.D. is a Professor in the School of Justice Studies at Roger Williams University. Dr. Varano’s area of expertise are in law enforcement policy and practice, innovative approaches to violence reduction, youth gangs, and evaluation research.
Dr. Varano is an active collaborator with local communities implementing and evaluating evidence-based approaches to crime and public health.

Dr. Stephen A. Morreale
Chair and Professor of Criminal Justice at Worcester State University
Retired Assistant Special Agent in Charge for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Investigations, Inspector General
Retired DEA Special Agent

Chief Douglas F. Wyman
30 Year Police Officer
Previous Chief of the Sandwich, New Hampshire Police Department and currently the Chief of Campus Police, Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital. Chief Wyman is a graduate of all three levels of the Command training Series at Roger Williams University.

Chief John Moore, (retired)
29 years Criminal Justice career including Criminal Defense Attorney (1988-1995)
Retired Chief of Police, Holliston, MA
Adjunct Professor at Emmanuel College & Dean College

Chief John Monaghan, III
Former City Police Officer and State trooper. In 2012 John became the Chief of Police in Franconia NH helping bridge the gap between department and community. John was also the Chief of Moultonborough, NH. He is currently the Director of Partnerships for All Aces, Inc. He is passionate about training those in policing to use their role as officers to lead the communities they serve by being role models of respect, equity and fairness.
Our Top Sponsors & Partners
Want Your Company Name Here?
We are currently accepting sponsorship requests and vendor table registrations for this event. Please see our Sponsorship Opportunites page or Contact Us with more information about your company. Sponsor services and company information will be included on our website, mass email and in all conference related correspondence.
We look forward to having our important partners in Law Enforcement join us for this event.
Register Now!
Registration information and conference schedule can be found above on this page.