Find Your Next Leader in Law Enforcement

Committed to Quality Leaders of Tomorrow: As part of our ongoing commitment to the finest of leaders, NEACOP offers a variety of paid job posting levels to meet the needs of local law enforcement agencies to recruit only the top talent.
Effective April 5, 2020 the NEACOP will be charging for job postings to our website to support the proactive circulation of job postings. Options range from website ads to direct sends to our entire membership. Please see below for options and to contact us with your job posting.

Employment Posting Levels
Website Posting
$200 per month: Base Charge for advertising your job posting with NEACOP. We will post your job on our NEACOP website Job Opportunities page as well as upon initial posting your job will list out on our home page feed. $200 dollars for a 30-day period of advertisement. Your Job opening advertisement will be posted within 1-3 business days of receipt. Base Charge
Quarterly Executive Director's Bulletin Ad
$50 Quarterly Executive Director’s Bulletin Ad Your job posting will also be advertised in the quarterly Executive Director’s Bulletin as well, which goes out to all of our members and is posted on our website. Add $50 to Base Charge.
Email Blast to Full NEACOP Membership
$100 Additional Charge An email blast sent directly to all members of the Association which includes, in addition to Chiefs of Police; Command Officers, Supervisors, Police Officers, and Associate members. Add $100 to Base Charge.
To post your job advertisement, please fill out the form below and include the link back to your website. We will contact you with payment details and confirmation. You are welcome to call us directly with questions. Please visit our Contact Us Page.
We look forward to continuing to serve the New England Law Enforcement Community, our citizens, and businesses.
Request Job Posting Contact

Make a Donation
We accept direct donations to support our NEACOP causes. Donations in any amount can be made to the following. We thank you for your support and donation, it is very much appreciated. Please send donation to:
New England Association of Chiefs of Police
P.O. Box 391
North Springfield, Vermont 05150
By reaching out to our full membership across the New England States, you have the opportunity to recruit the very finest in Law Enforcement for your organization. We appreciate your listing for job opportunities with the NEACOP.