Recent News

Special Olympics Donation: Vermont
Chief Foley presenting a check from NEACOP to the Vermont Special Olympics

NEACOP Special Olympics Donation-Rhode Island
Supporting the Special Olympics across New England has always been an important tradition for NEACOP. We love being a part of these organizations and the work they do.L-RChief Joseph Little (RI. Capitol Police); NEACOP Executive Board, Colonel Alfredo Ruggiero...
Registration is OPEN! 2024 NEACOP Annual Training Conference
Join us for our 99th Annual Training Conference held in Falmouth, MA (Cape Cod) on November 17th-20th! Hosted with MPI and packed full of speakers, separate training tracks for chiefs and officers and more! Register NOW to join Us!
NEACOP Membership Survey: Current-Non-Future Members Please Complete
The New England Association of Chiefs of Police is undergoing an assessment of the value of the Association to current and eligible members and to use that assessment to improve support to New England Police Chiefs. Please help us in this effort by completing,...
NEACOP News: Retired Members Tax Reduction Information
Retired Members may reduce their taxable earnings by up to $3,000 for medical insurance premiums paid during a calendar year. This is allowable under the Healthcare Enhancement for Local Public Safety Retirees Act, or the “HELPS” Retiree Act. Previously, there was a...
NEACOP 2023 Community Policing Awards APPLICATIONS OPEN
Applications are being accepted for the New England Association of Chiefs of Police Award for Community Policing 2023. Visit our Community Policing Award page to learn more about the award and previous department honors. Community Policing Award submissions deadline...
Job Opportunity: Police Captain Cumberland Maine
The Town of Cumberland is accepting applications for a full-time, salaried Police Captain. We seek candidates who possess impeccable credentials, are of the highest moral character, and have the personal and philosophical desire and drive to serve our community. We...