NEACOP Sponsorship Opportunities

The NEACOP MISSION: We want to invest in the future of law enforcement in New England and give you an opportunity to help us do just that.  As you might be aware, trying to recruit qualified people to become police officers is getting more difficult every day.  If you are a sponsor, we will use the funding we receive from sponsors and put it towards our mission and goals, i..e. enhanced law enforcement training programs for our members., college scholarships for our members children interested in a professional career in law enforcement.

We are aware that some police departments cannot afford to send their officers out of state to attend training.  Therefore, one of our goals is to bring the training to their states, so it can be is more cost effective for them.  Another goal is we would like to set up a reference center to assist the various departments in developing; general policies, recruitment prospects, and keeping track of legislation that affects us all.

NEACOP Annual Training Conference Vendor/Sponsor Info:

Sign up for a Vendor Table NOW for our 99th Annual Training Conference being held in Falmouth, MA.

Contact Us with any questions.

NEACOP Partner Sponsorship Levels

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

Executive Committee Meeting Sponsorship

$1,500 per meeting This goes directly to our meeting expense for our quarterly meetings.  This can be a one time or multiple meeting sponsorship. Your sponsorship will also be advertised in the quarterly Executive Director’s Bulletin as well, which goes out to all of our members and is posted on our website.

Website Advertisement

$450 per month If you would like to advertise your products/services with us, we offer monthly advertising at a rate of $450 per month on our website with a “link” back to your website.  Once a month we will send out monthly specials that you may have for your products/services.

Make a Donation

If it’s more affordable to make a donation and you would like to donate to NEACOP causes, donations in any amount can be made to the following. We thank you for your support and donation, it is very much appreciated.  Please mail donation to:

New England Association of Chiefs of Police
P.O. Box 391
North Springfield, Vermont 05150

You can also Donate by Credit Card. Follow this link and you will be prompted to ENTER AN OPEN $ AMOUNT FIRST and then enter your credit card info securely.  Donate by Credit Card Link


We thank you for your contribution to our organization to help us provide better training, resources and services to our law enforcement agencies and citizens across our 6 states and beyond.